There are a few things to consider when disposing of electronic devices, in what we consider ‘end of life management’. It’s not quite as simple as throwing e-waste in the bin and continuing with your day. Below a Service Plus expert will give you the fast guide to E-cycling and disposal.
E-waste is becoming a big problem, with up to 100,000 tonnes of electronic waste hitting landfills every year in New Zealand alone. The country is developing the capacity to reduce this huge figure with many of the materials inside electronics valuable and salvageable. Speciality recyclers are stepping up tto the plate in order to reduce, recycle and refurbish your old devices and pass them on to schools or charities. Working towards keeping damaging materials out of landfills is a real calling these days.
An estimated 2% of e-waste is recycled which means, staggeringly, the other 98% are binned. Inside these electronics are toxic materials which do damage to our environment. The blanket rule is: if it has a plug, it shouldn’t go in the bin. They should be taken to a specialised processing location instead.
End-of-life management of goods and the environmental factors involved are of major concern to the leadng manufacturers that Service Plus deal with. That’s why we manage the entire process and ensure goods are returned, disposed of, or recycled appropriately.
There’s also the procedure of data erasure that is often forgotten about. Whether it’s a hard drive, removable storage, servers or work computers; data destruction and decommissioning is an important step to protect your information and privacy. Service Plus will leave no stone unturned in supporting your electronic end-of-life management.
Want to find out more and speak to an expert? Get in touch today with staff from our offices in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.